Archive for the 'SIP Client' Category

pjsip for BlackBerry PlayBook: Native SIP client may be closer than you think

One of the most frequently ask questions we got is: does pjsip support BlackBerry? Are there plans to do so?

We always answered no, because the current BlackBerry devices only supports Java and even then there seem to be lack of multimedia access (essential for audio/video capture and playback) and direct socket access (for media streaming).

Recently however, with the BlackBerry Playbook using a different operating system, they have also announced that native C/C++ development kit will be available later this year.

So, maybe it will be not long now until we can answer ‘Yes’. Well, at least it can run on the BlackBerry PlayBook, if not all their smartphones.

OpenSER project is dead: Welcome to Kamailio (and OpenSIPS)

As an open source sip client library, pjsip needs to connect to a server (well, P2P SIP is of course a possibility, especially using NAT Traversal, but that’s a topic for another day).

OpenSER is one such server. A quick unscientific trawl through pjsip mailing list archives reveals more than 80 mentions of OpenSER. We’ve used it ourselves for testing purposes.

For the last week or so I’ve been hearing that OpenSER has been “renamed Kamailio”, according to the news at Kamailio website. That seems to be true, because I can see most of the site, logo, footer is still saying And the website will redirect you to

So, goodbye OpenSER, welcome Kamailio.

All finished? Not quite.

Welcome also to OpenSIPS (Open SIP Server), which is a “a continuation of the OpenSER project”.

Confused? Don’t be. This sometimes happen in an open source project. The same OpenSER code is taken by both Kamailio and OpenSIPS and from now on will take a life of its own. This is called a ‘fork’. In fact both projects will start with release 1.4.0 (with OpenSIPS releasing today, and Kamailio planning for later this week).

For completeness, I will mention that OpenSER itself is based on SIP Express Router (SER) project.

Is this bad? Depends. If for example you have 100 contributors to OpenSER, and assume it is an even split between OpenSIPS and Kamailio, then you will have ‘only’ 50 contributors each. By simple math it would seem each project is for the worse, because less contributors means less feature implementation, less testing, less everything in general.

But look further then in software projects it is often not the raw numbers that matters. If the 100 contributors rarely agree on anything, then the project is stalled anyway. By forking, then maybe each new segment will be more energised, and will release better software.

What about users? It does leave them in a bewildered state for a while. At the initial release, both projects are almost literally the same. Over time each project should take its own trajectory and we can then evaluate each on their merits.

Where does this leave pjsip as a SIP client framework? Well, as long as all the SIP servers adhere to published RFCs, and have commitment to follow the standards (which they all do), we’re fine. We should be able to connect to SER, OpenSER Kamailio, OpenSIPS, and others that may or may not come after these products/projects.

At the end of day, each open source project, including pjsip itself, lives and die by its adoption.

What do you think? Will you use Kamailio or OpenSIP or none of them? Let us know in the comments.

SIP Client on Puppy Linux

(Credit: PuppySIP)

Puppy Phone Home | Puppy Linux

Puppy users can phone worldwide if they have a SIp number

tmxxine, the open source time travel project (I kid you not), has released PuppySIP, which wraps the command line SIP client pjsua. Puppy Linux is one of the smallest (if not THE smallest) Linux distribution around. I use it to replace the Linux on my Asus Eee, gives me even more space.

It’s good to know that the minimal size required by pjsip clients for full SIP capability contributes to keeping Puppy Linux lean.

Open Source Symbian S60: Perfect Match for pjsip GUI Client

The big news today is the establishment of Symbian Foundation.

A very smart move from Nokia. We will be keeping track of the details, and will keep you all posted on developments.