Rich Internet Telephony Application, Anyone?

pjsip has always been cross-platform, basically it runs anywhere. Moreover,
we interpreted platform liberally, so in addition to multiple operating
systems and processor, we also have runtimes-as-a-platform (RaaP?) like
the Python VoIP API support (and the community has expanded along this line to Java SIP API and C# SIP SDK).

There is a new breed of platform coming to the desktop, broadly called Rich
Internet Application (RIA). Names like Microsoft Silverlight, Adobe AIR,
Sun JavaFX have been wading in this area. On my desktop I got Twhirl, a
Twitter client built on top of AIR.

So is this platform going to be relevant to SIP clients, I wonder? Would it
fit into a IP phone developer’s strategy? Is a RIA softphone possible or
even desirable? Would we call these things Rich Internet Telephony
Applications (RITA)?

Click your thoughts on the poll below and let me know what you think! (UPDATE: The poll application seems to be not working for some people – here is the direct link to the: Rich Internet Telephony Application Poll)

1 Response to “Rich Internet Telephony Application, Anyone?”

  1. 1 EntelmmoneSem 21 January 2010 at 14:08

    Блог очень понравился. Так держать!!!

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